Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On Taking Risks

Why is it so difficult to detach? From things, situations, people. Walking away is always hard because you don't know what lies ahead. Its a big risk!! U could be leaving "good enough" for "way worse"!!!

However, in choosing to stay in a less than ideal, uplifting, nurturing, inspiring situation, fear is your captor. And the greater risk is in never having tried; never having had the courage; and most importantly, never trusting in a higher power and purpose to lead and support you.

It may seem safer to remain in a known environment than risk the possibility of ending up with less than you started with. You may feel more in control of your life and feel you have more certainty and stability. Unfortunately, security and safety are states of mind - intangible concepts that are not guaranteed to any human being walking this earth. We all know life can change in an instant - and the mediocrity that we have been clinging to can be snatched from our grasp, leaving us empty handed.

On the flip side, being willing to trade in all you have and all that you have become for just a shot at the opportunity for true fulfillment, purpose, motivation, passion and freedom seems less of a gamble in the bigger picture! Look at your life backwards; how do you want your children and grandchildren to remember you and eulogize you? What will your legacy be? How will you explain your life to God after all is said and done?

These are some of the questions I have asked myself over the past year as I began my fourth decade here on earth. Others: Are my decisions based on being honest with my inner self, true purpose, God? Or are they influenced by an external source: society, appearances, man's approval?

When you ask these questions of yourself, you must be prepared for the answers! I realized how far removed and polarized from my true nature I had become! My mask has been so tightly fixed on my face that I could no longer distinguish between who I really am and who I was pretending to be.

We are all magnificent, unique manifestations of God's purpose for us. Yet we spend so much time conforming: seeking approval from others, trying to impress them, wanting their acceptance, that we stifle the very uniqueness that makes us special and relevant.

So my journey has led me to exactly where I am destined to be right now. While I cannot predict my future, my security comes from within myself and is not attached to what I possess. As long as I finally and continually listen to my inner voice, I can focus on fulfillment rather than success. I will not look back with regret and longing for what might have been.

And my legacy to Julian will be to look within for your answers; trust in the power, beauty and freedom of your dreams; the only failure is in not trying; find fulfillment through your passion, excitement, wonder and purpose; being you is beautiful.


  1. Nicely stated Nadja! Sometimes I ask myself, if you could do anything in the world and were sure to succeed, what would it be? That's as far as I got ;)
