Nearly a month had passed between Session 1 and 3, mainly due to scheduling issues between both Everett and me. Unlike the first two sessions, I was NOT looking forward to the third one and even attempted to cancel it. For the couple of days preceding Session Three, I was having difficulty sleeping and I was feeling a great deal of pain in my joints, particularly my hips and ankles. My entire body was achy and I was not in the highest of spirits.
I contacted Everett the morning of Session Three and told him I hadn't slept all night and my entire body was so achy and painful that I wasn't mentally prepared for more pain on his table. His response was that all of the pain is darkness coming to the surface, ready to be released. He said this was the best condition to be in for a session. That nobody said that going deeper was comfortable. He then instructed me to look inside: is there fear going on? When you start to go deep, big fear comes up. But he never once pressured me to keep my appointment that day.
Well. Of course I went - I don't like to think of myself as a quitter. But I was definitely not looking forward to it, knowing that there was the certainty of physical pain and discomfort awaiting me. I should definitely clarify that each person's experience is different. Some go through these sessions with very little discomfort and pain. Everett said that my pain is already at the surface while many people have theirs buried so deeply that they feel very little. He calls it karmically ripe.
I asked him if we could continue with sessions four and five in our next lifetimes.....
I contacted Everett the morning of Session Three and told him I hadn't slept all night and my entire body was so achy and painful that I wasn't mentally prepared for more pain on his table. His response was that all of the pain is darkness coming to the surface, ready to be released. He said this was the best condition to be in for a session. That nobody said that going deeper was comfortable. He then instructed me to look inside: is there fear going on? When you start to go deep, big fear comes up. But he never once pressured me to keep my appointment that day.
Well. Of course I went - I don't like to think of myself as a quitter. But I was definitely not looking forward to it, knowing that there was the certainty of physical pain and discomfort awaiting me. I should definitely clarify that each person's experience is different. Some go through these sessions with very little discomfort and pain. Everett said that my pain is already at the surface while many people have theirs buried so deeply that they feel very little. He calls it karmically ripe.
So, as always, Everett started the session with light neck and psoas work. Then he got down to business. He started on my left side and worked all of the lateral edges of my body. I went in feeling trepidation with very low energy. After he released my left side, I felt an amazing rush of energy through my body and I literally lit up and felt like myself again! It was incredible; I walked through the door feeling very reserved and achy and tired and old. I stepped off the table and felt incredible lightness back in my body; I was bubbly, energetic ME again. And that was just one side. He told me to go take a look in the mirror, and my left shoulder was three inches lower than my right! Rather than my shoulders getting higher, they were dropping down, creating space for my neck and upper back. He then worked the right side and finished with work on my hamstrings and my entire back body.
This session, again, was pretty painful, and Everett said that he was using very little pressure. After Session Three, I do feel taller, straighter and lighter. I feel more space in my body but also AROUND my body. I feel much more calm; balanced; content. My feet, particularly my heels, enjoy a rooted connectedness with the Earth. I feel longer, leaner and more IN my body.
Everett asked me to wait a few days before blogging this session to allow these shifting energies to settle. I woke up the next day feeling amazing and was very productive. After each of these sessions, I become more focused and present in my body and in my life. I always have a flurry of productive activity for a few to several days when I leave Everett's table.
About a week after the third session, I was feeling intense, throbbing, burning pain and sensation in my calves down to my feet. I thought part of it was from teaching five classes that day, standing on my flat feet without arch support, but the feelings were so intense. I spoke with Everett late that night, and he said that my body was continuing to release pain and that all of the physical pain is a blessing. No, I didn't hang up on him. I listened intently because I have a great deal of respect for him and what he does to help people.
He told me to let go of who I think I am. That this energy is now releasing on its own. Let it happen and watch what unfolds. He said that right now I am the smallest version of myself, and I should follow where this road leads without expectations.
About four days after that, I had another release. I was talking with a dear friend and fellow yogi, Haleh Putz after I taught a 75 minute hot vinyasa class; a real conversation from her heart chakra directly to mine. I then took a vinyasa class and experienced an outpouring of gratitude and joy and grace that literally burst my heart wide open and spilled off of my face. A feeling of extreme love and Grace lasted for several hours after that.
Session Three provides an opportunity to end the sessions - quit while you're ahead! It also allows for a break before Sessions Four and Five which concentrate on the inner leg lines and then deep, deep work in the pelvic bowl and the entire abdomen. Everett says that the first three are merely prep work for the deep releasing that happens in the subsequent sessions. Child's play. *gulp*
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